
Competence center

• Advisory • Planning • Training • Validation

30 Jahre spypach

Feiern Sie mit uns und sichern Sie sich Jubiläumsrabatte von bis zu -30% auf alle unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen!

Endoscope dummy

We have developed the endoscope dummy for the safe reprocessing of flexible endoscopes.

In the meanwhile 3rd generation, our dummy “spo-pro” is intended for routine and validation applications thanks to countless adapters and connection options in all washer-disinfectors.

Your reliable partner for more patient safety


Advice and planning

We are happy to assist you with

  • Spatial planning and equipping of endoscopy facilities
  • Control, cost monitoring and coordination of your endoscope installation and construction projects
  • Selection and procurement of your endoscopes and endoscope reprocessing machines (RDG-E)
  • Process definition of your endoscopy reprocessing procedures (validation aids)
  • Preparation and support for legal validations

Training and lectures

spypach knowledge for employees and customers

  • Up-to-date knowledge about endoscopes and WD-E reprocessing machines
  • Structure and function of flexible endoscopes
  • Challenge in the reprocessing of flexible endoscopes
  • Effect of cleaning agents and disinfectants during processing.

Validation and expert opinion

Validation at the highest level

  • Support, objectification and validation aids for third-party providers
  • Inspections, assessments of endoscopy reprocessing systems
  • Process definition of your endoscopy reprocessing procedures
  • Inspections and assessments of water supply and treatment systems (SDI measurements)